Open data is information or data that is available, freely and without charge, to anyone under the same conditions and that can be used for any purpose, whether of a commercial or non-commercial nature. They are made available on the Internet in a structured form that allows for bulk machine processing. The portal "" serves to promote open financial data of the Slovak Republic and increase transparency in the institutions involved.


High-quality and professionally processed data enables the state to make more informed and effective decisions, evaluate its activities, and respond more quickly and directly to the needs of its citizens, which can result in savings in public finances while improving the quality of life. Data is a source of information for the people of a country about the performance of the economy, enabling them to hold their elected representatives to account. Data can be a means for business and the non-governmental sector to improve the quality of services they provide. Last but not least, data makes governance more transparent and efficient.

State Reporting Section

State Reporting Section is responsible for the collection and processing of data necessary for the assessment of budget execution and accounting data relevant for the compilation of national and international public sector financial statistics. It works with approximately 8,000 general government accounting units, is the business owner of several supra-ministerial information systems (Central Economic System, Central Consolidation System) or their parts (Register of Financial Statements, State Treasury System, RISSAM.výkazy), develops “accounting standards” for state and local government organisations, providing guidelines for them in the field of accrual accounting and financial reporting.

Institute for Financial Policy

The Institute for Financial Policy is an analytical unit of the Ministry of Finance, one of the top analytical units in Slovakia and one of the oldest economic think-tanks of the Slovak general government.

Value for Money Department

The role of the Value for Money Department (UHP) of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic is to increase the value that the public receives for their money. Our goal is to strengthen the results-orientation in decision-making on public policies, regulations, investments and operation of the state. The essence of the Value for Money Department is to assess whether taxpayers' money will actually be spent in the best way possible to achieve the stated objective.

State Treasury

State Treasury is part of the comprehensive financial management of public finances of the Slovak Republic. Through the State Treasury System and using financial planning and debt and liquidity management tools, it contributes to maintaining a favourable development of public budget revenues and expenditures within the objectives and targets set by the state's fiscal policy. The State Treasury System (STS) is a stable and quality-enhancing element of public finance management.


As the only direct instrument of the state for export financing, EXIMBANKA SR is an important part of the chain responsible for promoting the country's economic policy in the field of external economic relations. It is an important instrument of state support for exports in the area of financing of credit products, provision of guarantees and insurance of credit risks. As a state export-credit agency, it enables Slovak exporters to enter into trade and investment relations where the commercial financial sector is less interested in taking on risk and therefore performs a complementary function.

Financial Administration

The Financial Administration is the general government's authority on taxes, duties and customs. It consists of the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic, customs offices, tax offices and the Financial Administration Criminal Office. The role of the Financial Administration is the collection of taxes and customs duties in order to ensure revenues to the state budget of the Slovak Republic and the European Union, the protection of the economic interests of the state and the protection of the expenditure side of the state budget of the Slovak Republic. The Financial Administration is a pro-client institution. It is constantly working to modernise and digitalise processes in order to improve the quality of services provided to citizens and businesses.

The Fulfillment of the State Budget in the National Methodology

Number of users of the Central Economic System

Financial overview of the implementation of the public administration budget for municipalities and budgetary organizations 2022

Newest datasets

Tables from the SZU Proposal for 2023 [27. 06. 2024]

Tables for cash withdrawals of SR in ŠZU for the year 2023 [27. 06. 2024]

Summary annual report of the Slovak Republic 2022 [11. 12. 2023]

Summary financial statements of the Slovak Republic 2022 [11. 12. 2023]

Time schedule (plan) for publication of datasets [16. 08. 2023]

Open data catalog MoF SR [16. 08. 2023]

Invoices - ÚRHH 2019 - 2022 [15. 08. 2023]

Orders - ÚRHH - 2019 - 2022 [15. 08. 2023]

Data inventory MoF SR [10. 08. 2023]

Invoices (VDZ VS - Financie, period 2012 - 2022) [02. 08. 2023]

Updated datasets

Orders - Ministry of Finance of the Slovak republic - from 1.1.2023 [01. 10. 2024]

Invoices (ÚRHH, since January 1st 2023) [01. 10. 2024]

Invoices (DataCentrum, since January 1st 2023) [01. 10. 2024]

Invoices - Ministry of Finance of the Slovak republic - period from 1.1.2023 [01. 10. 2024]

General Government Debt [09. 09. 2024]

Central Government debt [09. 09. 2024]

Central Government Operations [09. 09. 2024]

The Fulfillment of the State Budget in the National Methodology [09. 09. 2024]

The Fulfillment of the General Government [09. 09. 2024]

Výsledky hospodárenia obcí a miest SR [15. 07. 2024]
